Monday, November 07, 2005

One Stupid Day!

What if I was the child in the photograph; What if I as a six year old, I had to be on the run, separated from my family because terrorists were behind my father (its a true incident); What if I had to be a breadearner for my family and dropout of the school after eigth (again a true incident).

One stupid day - one stupid paper - is that all that makes you the BEST!!!! Some would call it destiny and some might call it luck.
But this one thought has troubled me for quiet long now.

Even I, like all others have worked hard to get here. But it just happened that for all of us, the things fell into the right places at the right time. And now if I am at the right place,shouldn't I put my skills to the best use?

Would selling toothpates and soaps be a proper utilization or would simply making money for people who won't ned it anyways be a proper utilization? Just have a closer look at the photograph above and tell me!

"The only thing necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing."
- Edmund Burke

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