Saturday, January 17, 2009

2 Years Later

While I was doing my routine exercises in the morning today, I realized how lucky am I to be in the ground. 2 Years back my hopes of again running had started fainted after my accident on Feb 11th when I had a major disc collapse.
For me it has been a miracle but for Dr. Shivaji it was a routine case which got in order with nothing but only some exercises.
For me the experience has taught me the real meaning of phrases like "Body is a temple", "health is wealth" etc. at an early stage in my life (though the lesson was really tough) and had not to wait for the old age to teach me.
Tough I am not as athletic I used to be 10 years back but I carry a very positive hope to recover 90% of my those abilities soon. And 20 years later when I revisit a post title "20 years Later", it would recount a very positive Journey Post Feb 2007.
Manish Saini

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