Thursday, September 18, 2014


When Nelson Mandela wrote his biography to give a sketch of how he attained freedom, there was a reason he titled it LONG ROAD to freedom. There are no shortcuts, there are no easy ways out and most importantly, the hurdles are insurmountable.

I have just begun this journey but the opening chapter has been enough for me to bring the theory of the books to my real life. 90% of my assumptions have already been trashed. The working model which I thought of has started taking shape but with substantial changes.

The challenge is immense for a newcomer into the industry. But one thing I don’t regret now is the choice of my location of work. Hoshiarpur as a location is working out for me as I have been quickly able to connect to  quiet a few like minded people which promises that even if the journey is not going to be easy, it is also not going to be difficult now.

Lessons learnt from the entrepreneurs I worked with are really helpful. Long back Phani Raj taught me the importance of keeping fit as an entrepreneur. While I continuously work towards it, the recent episode of me and Preeti contracting Toxic conjunctivitis has put us back by almost a month.

The challenge to start 2 centers in October are really in our face now as Nangal Shaidan hose still needs to be vacated and for Bajwara, we have not been able to find a location yet. Only 44 more days to go, we have now folded up our sleeves even though the recovery from the illness is not full yet.

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