Tuesday, October 21, 2014

This has always been like this......

"This has always been like this and will remain like this. 40 years back we also used to talk like the way you do. Then everyone went their way to do the most important thing, earn money. You know my friends who are professors. They were also like you are but now see them. Are they any different from the money making machines?"

This is an excerpt of one of the many breakfast/dinner talks I have with my father. Interesting thing is that I know he is right, I know he wants me to be doing something safer, something which makes money for us. I have not even once rebelled against him now. Seems like I am getting mature. :)

My father subtly is telling me again and again that what you are doing is bound to fail. Possibly! He may be right. But I just have to do what I believe is right, right now and give this project a try. I cannot live in the past and fear for the future. I believe that I am at a juncture in my life where I not only have time on my side, but I also have the right skill set to give this project the best possible shot.

Success and failure is in mathematical terms is a game of probability and from my point of view the probability of our success is a wee bit higher than the failure. Though for my father the probability of failure is "1", i just love him for the way he is still supporting me on every step and I respect his criticism even more than that as it makes me more and more careful.

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